This is one of a series of “refrigerator comics” Phil did while living in the Malibu colony in the early 1970’s with the band the Rockin’ Foo, and is one of the pieces of original Phil Hartman art to be auctioned off in the upcoming charity auction on ebay. You can bid on this strip, a two piece still life series, and a male nude sketch done in charcoal and pencil, plus limited edition prints of the Yogi and the Kid series and Edgar Screwhead. Details will be coming VERY soon, so be sure to check back here, or on our XENOVISION or Phil Hartman Facebook fan pages for how you can own a rare piece of original Phil art.
Proceeds from the auctions will benefit the Stedman Community Hospice in Brantford, Ontario as well as Sheatre, the alternative community theatre group in Kemble, Ontario.
Rockin Foo Fridge Comic