23.11.2010 (2:24 pm) – Filed under: News



Be the first on your block to show your support for Phil by ordering the brand spanking new 2011 Walk of Fame poster set, featuring Edgar Screwhead, Yogi, and of course, Phil Hartman himself. Designed by Paul Hartmann, XENO CEO and Phil’s brother, the posters are available for download or purchase.
To download, send an email to philhartmanforwalkoffame@gmail.com and we will send you high quality .pdf files you can have printed at your local Kinkos or office supply store in a 11X17 or larger size.

Or, if you want to forget the trip to Kinkos and want to support XENOVISION, you can purchase one or a compete set of the posters, again, printed on high quality poster paper, for $5.00 USD plus shipping for one poster, or the set of three for $10.00 USD plus shipping (Shipping costs to be determined based on your location).
Send your emails today to philhartmanforwalkoffame@gmail to order your copies for download or purchase. Our happy XENO staff will be glad to assist you!
And remember, THIS IS THE YEAR!